Děti U

The only way is through

Děti U

About project

Tantehorse theater company is preparing a unique multi-genre walk focused on the support of the further development of pediatric palliative care.

The Multi-genre Tantehorse theater company focuses on the support of pediatric palliative care seeks an artistic understanding of the theme of hope for a good life. During the two-hour performative walk between spaces in Prague 5, the audience will experience in five different artistic formats (performative lecture, reading, audiowalk, dance installation, singing) caring for life, dying and death from different perspectives – from the positions of a witness, a parent, and in the end a child themselves.

The whole however is created by the audience member themselves, where during the walk they will be confronted with several tableaus.

Creating the artistic piece itself was preceded by a three-month long research phase, during which the performers meet with doctors, parents of deceased children, and persons working in the care of surviving family in non-profit organizations.

Further performances of the multi-genre performance are planned in the next years all around Czechia.

Premier 5. and 6. October 2024, Prague 5, settlement Bulovka – settlement Cibulka withing the 4 + 4 days in motion festival.

The performance is in Czech language and is suitable for adults and young people from 15 years of age.

Project Curators: Markéta Vacovská, Miřenka Čechová, Kristýna Boháčová

Performers and artists:

  • Markéta Cukrová – operatic and concert singer, performing internationally as a soloist in large opera houses, as well as original independent projects
  • Alice Koubová – philosopher with a focus on performative philosophy, also a vice-dean of DAMU
  • Linda Dušková – dramaturg and director, educator at DAMU
  • Ran Jiao - Director, performer, interdisciplinary artist, graduate of DAMU
  • Andrea Opavská – Dancer and performer, educator in the dance department at HAMU
  • Kent Sjöström – educator and artist, dealing with physical theater and performance.
  • Aleš Čermák & Jindřiška Křivánková – creative duo, focusing on bodily, multi-sensory forms of sense, which allow for performativity
  • Roman Zotov-Mikshin – dancer, choreographer and educator, co-founder of the artistic group Ferst Dadler
  • Petr Boháč – artistic director of the theater company Spitfire Company, head of Paláce Akropolis
  • Mara Ingea - scenographer, graphic designer and director, graduate of DAMU

Professional and research team:

  • Mahulena Exnerová – chairman of the Pediatric palliative care section ČSPM ČLS JEP, head of pediatrics and DIOP at Hořovice hospital
  • Klára Berková – neonatal specialist and founding member of the support and palliative care team, Center for the care of mother and child in Podolí
  • Lenka Kohoutková – Director of Center of accompanying support and palliative care team for children FN Hradec Králové
  • Kateřina Barčíková – pediatrician in the resuscitation ward for children and founding doctor of pediatric support and palliative care team, Thomayerova hospital, traveling doctor in the mobile hospice Cesta domů (Path home)
  • Vítězslav Vurst – hospital chaplain in the support and palliative care team of FN Olomouc and in the mobile hospice Nejste sami (You are not alone)
  • Zdenka Volavá – director of the organization Dlouhá cesta (Long journey), coach
  • Martina Hůlková, Lenka Blažejová, Tibor Abel, Kateřina Procházková – surviving parents
  • Sodja Lotker – Dramaturg, educator at DAMU


Jak se k nám dostanete a kde se setkáme?

Procházka začíná u usedlosti Bulovka (adresa Od Vysoké 22) a končí na usedlosti Cibulka (adresa Cibulka 118). Abychom vám usnadnili orientaci, vyznačili jsme důležité body na mapě.

Cestujete MHD?

Skvělé rozhodnutí! MHD je nejjednodušší volba. Na autobusové zastávce Farkáň vás bude čekat náš dobrovolník, který vás nasměruje na místo začátku procházky.

Cestujete autem?

Tuto variantu nedoporučujeme, parkování může být složitější. Pokud však není jiná možnost, doporučujeme následující:

P+R Kotlářka – Blízko cíle na Cibulce, ale dál od startu na Bulovce.

Parkování u usedlosti Bulovka – Okolí je z většiny obsazeno modrými zónami Prahy 5, fialové zóny s možností placeného parkování jsou v ulicích Peroutkova a Na Farkáně. Předpokládáme, že volných míst bude málo, protože se jedná o rezidenční oblast.

Přesun autem z Bulovky na Cibulku – I toto je možnost, ale připravíte se o krásnou performativní procházku. Pro vás bude k dispozici zkrácená audio verze na Cibulce.

Procházka terénem

Cesta z Bulovky na Cibulku trvá přibližně 50 minut a je dlouhá asi 2,5 km. Půjdeme lesem a svažujícím se terénem, takže doporučujeme pohodlnou obuv. Pro lidi se sníženou pohyblivostí doporučujeme turistické hole.


Jídlo a pití bude připraveno v cíli na Cibulce. Doporučujeme si s sebou vzít vodu na cestu.

Brýle na čtení s sebou

Část zážitku bude zahrnovat i čtení z knih, a pokud běžně používáte brýle na čtení, určitě se vám budou hodit.

Těšíme se na setkání s vámi!

Děti U

Jediná možná cesta je projít skrz

Partners of the project