CONFERENCE: Current Forms of Documentary Theatre // DIVADLO DNEŠKA

About the performance

The conference taking place within the framework of the DIVADLO DNEŠKA (Theater of Today) seeks to explore the possibilities of documentaries as tools for social change, enabling us to put a spotlight on inequality and partnering in communicating personal and historical changes.

In the first block, creators from Czechia, Fance, Hungary, Norway, and Palestine performing at the festival will have a space to speak. They will speak on their approaches to creating and their views on documentaries. The second block of the conference offers a debate on the role of documentaries with respect to politics and activism. The spectrum of focuses of the guest speakers, between journalism, literature, theater, performance, and modern history, the audience will have a chance to investigate the specific position of documentaries in each branch.

The conference will take place on Sunday the 8th of September in the Scout Institute on Old Town Square. The moderator will be Barbora Baronová, literary documentary film maker, publisher, curator, and author.

The conference will be held in the English language.

Entrance to the conference is free. Registration via form is mandatory.


13:30–15:00 PANEL I: Forms, Principles, and Approaches to Documentary Theatre - Presentations by creators at the festival

  • Kjell Moberg, NIE Theatre (CZ/NO/UK)
  • Miřenka Čechová, Tantehorse/Spitfire Company (CZ)
  • Jeries Abu Jaber (PS)
  • Tereza Havlíčková, André Amálio, Hotel Europa (PT)
  • Haibo Illés and Richárd Melykó (HU)

+ 30 minutes of guided discussion, moderated by M. Čechová and K. Boháčová

15:00–15:30 Refreshment Break

15:30–16:00 Performative lecture by duo Hantu (FR): But what kind of world do We live in?

16:00–17:30 PANEL II: Interrelations and Influences of Documentary Creation - Discussion with documentary creators from other fields on topics: Testimony and recording of reality, forms of documentary, and its socio-political impact.

  • Linda Dušková - Director and Dramaturge, Nesladim Collective
  • Apolena Rychlíková - Documentary Film Director and Journalist
  • Pascale Weber - Performer (duo Hantu), Visual Artist, Professor of Literature at the Sorbonne
  • Moderated by Barbora Baronová - Literary Documentarist and Publisher

Part of project: Divadlo Dneška

Partners of the performance