The Creep / Deník radikálního introverta (2017)

What most defines me, is the space where I have not been yet. The more I hide, the more I reveal. Physical and musical theatre for one performer and a sound engineered stage.

The Creep / Deník radikálního introverta (2017)

About the performance

I am a fragile structure that in different conditions changes its’ state and becomes more digestible, but right now, when emitting the greatest coldness, we are the most fragile we can be. Touch me and I'll either burst or I'll dissolve. I feel everything that you feel too, only I cannot name it, yet. I frost it deeply and wait for warmer days when I’ll be able to digest all that's happening now.

One performer and an open cube that reflects his movements and feelings. The sound engineered stage acts as a large musical instrument that does not always emit sounds the way the performer would expect. As a sonic mirror it reflects his mood, dreams and fears.

"The subject of the human-seeker has become the key theme for us. The one who is struggling with himself in the space of his consciousness as well as sub-consciousness, is discovering his own limits. He’s being carried away by his playfulness and desires to surpass himself. For me personally, he’s a Jungian shadow – representing all that’s repressed and deranged inside of us – and that is a powerful creative source. Diary interests me as not as a record of concrete events, but also as a battlefield of our own unconsciousness. We do not want to be narrative, associative or metaphorical, we want to create the same feeling as when you let yourself be carried away by music or image - an abstract theater so to say. External limitations represent the freedom of possibilities that enable the sparking of creative spontaneity, "says the stage director, Miřenka Čechová.

  • Performer: Viktor Černický
  • Music and Dramaturge: Matouš Hekela
  • Stage Direction: Miřenka Čechová
  • Stage Design, Costume Design: Lucia Škandíková
  • Light-design, Projection: David Prokopič, Martin Špetlík
  • Production: Jakub Urban

Production was supported by: Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, City of Prague, Palace Akropolis

Premiere: 30. 5. 2017 - Palác Akropolis

Media reviews

Creep má důmyslně propracovaný koncept, který vtáhne do děje a nepustí. Dokáže překvapit. Skvělý taneční a pohybový výkon dokreslují esteticky vyladěná scéna a kostýmy. Nasvícení a projekce jsou plně funkční a dodávají dílu nový rozměr. Hudební složka založená na ozvučené podlaze a konkrétních zvucích ladí atmosféru. Silné dílo, kterému, zdá se, není co vytknout. Po dlouhé době výjimečný divadelní zážitek.
Daniela Machová, Taneční aktuality / 7. 6. 2017

Partners of the performance