
Performative lecture of Alice Koubová and Miřenka Čechová


About the performance

This performative lecture maps the social relations of power, the fears that arise from them and the possibilities of overcoming these fears other than through total weakness and learned helplessness. Drawing inspiration from contemporary cultural realities, it specifically explores strategies of resistance, escape, shaping, and subtle forms of courage.

Philosopher Alice Koubová and performance artist Miřenka Čechová meet to share general ideas and concrete experiences of stepping out of patterns of learned power relations. How not to fall into indifference or obedience conditioned by fear? Taking a relatively invisible but unexpected step against power can be as challenging as standing up to the majority and speaking out. Why is such an act both challenging and life-giving? Where to find the inner resources to take such steps? What are the chances of success? Will anyone care? What power does culture and artistic experience offer in this matter? A performative-musical-artistic experience that challenges the viewer to take an active stance and creates an opportunity to physically experience a moment of overcoming personal discomfort within the safe space of art.

Miřenka Čechová, Alice Koubová
Music: Martin Tvrdý
Visual design: Eva Chudomelová
Daniel Kozlík
Jakub Urban

The project was supported by the City of Prague, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the State Culture Fund of the Czech Republic, Palác Akropolis, and the AV21 Strategy Programme "Resilient Society for the 21st Century." The premiere was part of the project Beuys will be Beuys of the Goethe Institute in Bratislava.

Premiere: 31. 5. 2022 - Palác Akropolis


Partners of the performance